Celestron 44412 mẫu vật cho kính hiển vi 100 Slide kit
Bắt đầu sử dụng kính hiển vi của bạn ngay lập tức với Celestron 44412 bao gồm 100 slide mẫu vật. Bộ mẫu vật cho kính hiển vi với 100 slide bao gồm các bộ phận côn trùng, bộ phận thực vật, bộ phận động vật,… Phiến kính slide với kích thước 25 mm x 76 mm. Mỗi slide mang một nhãn xác định được in rõ ràng. Một hộp gỗ có bản lề lưu trữ hoàn hảo cho các slide.
meZOOM-Không khoảng cách
- Three Types of Bacteria
- Penicillium, W.M.
- Aspergillus, W.M.
- Rhizopus, W.M.
- Actinomyces, W.M.
- Chlamydomonas, W.M.
- Diatoms, W.M.
- Stellato-Pilosus W.M
- Spirogation, W.M.
- Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M.
- Lichen Sec
- Fern Leaf, Sec
- Fern Prothallium, W.M.
- Leaf of Winter Jasmine, C.S.
- Eloden Stem, C.S.
- Eloden Leaf, C.S.
- Pine Leaf, C.S.
- Pinus Male Strobile, L.S.
- Pinus Female Strobile, L.S.
- Rubber Leaf, C.S.
- Corn Root Tip, L.S.
- Vicia Faba Young Root C.S.
- Corn Stem, C.S.
- Corn Stem, L.S.
- Cucurbits Stem, C.S.
- Cucurbits Stem, L.S.
- Helianthus Stem, C.S.
- Moss Antheridia L.S.
- Moss Archegonia, L.S.
- Moss Protonemata W.M.
- Basswood Stem C.S.
- Basswood Stem L.S.
- Pelargonium Stem C.S.
- Vicia Dicot Leaf W.M.
- Pollen Germination W.M.
- Pollen W.M.
- Tomato Fruit Sec
- Cymbidium Aerial Root C.S.
- Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells
- Corn Seed With Endosperm L.S.
- Plasmodesma Sec
- Lily Ovary C.S.
- Lily Anther C.S.
- Lily Leaf C.S.
- Capsella Old Embryo Sec
- Capsella Young Embryo Sec
- Allium Seale Epidermis, W.M.
- Euglena W.M.
- Paramecium W.M.
- Hydra W.M.
- Hydra L.S.
- Planaria, L.S.
- Schistosoma Male W.M.
- Schistosoma Female W.M.
- Ascaris Egg W.M.
- Earthworm W.M.
- Snake Skin, W.M.
- Daphni Sp W.M.
- Rotifer W.M.
- Mosquito Feale Mouth Parts W.M.
- Honey Mouth parts, W.M.
- Honey Hind Leg, W.M.
- Butterfly Mouth Parts W.M.
- Musca Mouth Parts, W.M.
- Grasshopper Mouth Parts W.M.
- Ant W.M.
- Fish Scale W.M.
- Planaria C.S.
- Trachea
- Clam Gill C.S.
- Blood Smear Human
- Blood Smear Fish
- Ciliated Epithelium W.M.
- Simple Squamous Epithelium W.M.
- Stratified Squamous Epithelium W.M.
- Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs
- Small Intestine, C.S.
- Dense Bone Sec
- Tendon Dog Sec
- Loose Connesctive Tissue, W.M.
- Skeletal Muscle L.S, C.S.
- Cardiac Muscle Sec
- Spinal Cord C.S.
- Motor Neurous W.M
- Smooth Muscle Islolated W.M.
- Lungs Sec
- Stomach Sec
- Liver Sec
- Lymph Node Sec
- Lung With Blood Vessels Injected Rat
- Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected Rat
- Kidney Rat L.S.
- Testis Sec
- Ovary Cat Sec
- Squamous Epithelium Smear Human
- Pancreas, Sec
- Frog Egg Sec
- Human Chromosome (Male)
- Human Chromosome (Female)
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